Kürbishof Koller

THE Pumpkin Region Steiermark Pumpkin seed Oil

Pumpkin cultivation has a tradition in the Steiermark since the 18th century Oil was pressed from Pumpkins grown here.  At that time seed were peeled and then pressed,  through further cultivation the Steiermark Pumpkin with a skinless seed was created with improvements in quality and mineral content.

Since those times the area of cultivation has increased so that in 1996 the European Union decided to provide a regional protection scheme. Steirisches Kürbiskernolöl g.g.A (from protected Geografic cultivation ) this as part of the Genuss Region was an Initiatve to ensure Quality for consumer as well ensuring that only Pumpkin seeds from this geografical area should be used in the production of Steirisches Kürbiskernöl a White Green control number`d  Band is the official seal and garantie for consumers.   Today there are over 2,300 producers in the region

The unigue nut taste of Steirischen Kürbiskernöls is an essential part of  Austrian Cuisine and increasingly popular on an international level.  Taste is not the only benefit extrem high vitamin E levels, Colesterin free, rich in essential and unsaturated Fat Acids, it is becoming well known for its health benefits. 

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